
A small TypeScript/JavaScript library of mathematical functions, mainly vector and matrix utilities.


TSDoc API reference


As an npm package:

$ npm install @spissvinkel/maths

Sample usage

Create a file sample.ts:

// import a module
import * as vec2 from '@spissvinkel/maths/vec2';

// initialize a new vector object
const v = vec2.of(1.0, 1.0);

// normalise the vector

// output the result
console.log(`v = [ ${v.x} ${v.y} ]`);

Compile to JavaScript using the TypeScript compiler:

$ tsc sample.ts

Bundle with e.g. Google Closure Compiler:

$ google-closure-compiler                        \
    --process_common_js_modules=true             \
    --module_resolution=NODE                     \
    --js=node_modules/@spissvinkel/maths/*.js    \
    --js=sample.js                               \

Run the bundled code to see the result:

$ node out.js

v = [ 0.7071067811865475 0.7071067811865475 ]